Planning Dark Deeds...
In 2019, we plan to make a new work. We are gathering ideas and plan for a work-in-progress in the spring... Here's a thread from the...
Collaboration with Dr. Sarah Stock
In 2019, we will be working with Sarah to explore ways of engaging the public with her research into decision making in stressful...
The Rasputin Show
Crazy few days where Georgie directed a staged reading of The Rasputin Show by Michael Almaz at the Southwark Playhouse with The...
Possible publication of our Alchemical Adaptations
Here's an extract from our *finger's crossed* soon to be published chapter... The Rabbit Hole And then we came across The Hearing...
June '17 Trip to Edge Hill Uni for Conference
We made a presentation called, Alchemical Adaptations - here's a link: (we're on from 34.20)
Black Box Game
BLACK BOX GAMES Coming up in JANUARY '18 we are planning another season of BLACK BOX GAMES. More ambitious! - we've taken on board ideas...
December 2nd and 3rd Dirty Market are opening their studio and showing artwork, costumes and other made items as part of an open studios...